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Join the membership of Trace - and be a part of the transition towards a circular economy

As a member, you'll gain access to a range of resources, networks, and opportunities to engage in projects and initiatives that promote reuse, recycling, and sustainability

Trace brings stakeholders together to collaborate on circular solutions

Become a member in our network of innovators and leaders shaping the future. Together we will create a circular infrastructure throughout the circular vision, both decreasing the outlet of Co2-eq and creating thousands of jobs.


Partner advantages

  • Be part of a network of +100 stakeholders 
  • Advance a transition towards circular economy
  • Participate in collaborative and innovative projects within:
  • Participate in work groups
  • Give input and recommendations in joint innovations projects
  • Display your company on reports, events, etc.

Member advantages

Exclusive, relevant networks and worthy events

In addition to the revenue that partners generate, membership in TRACE offers numerous advantages. As members, you gain exclusive access to industry-relevant networks and cutting-edge knowledge, providing a multitude of benefits:

  • Exclusive invitations to high-level meetings of significance
  • Early access to groundbreaking research shaping future business models
  • Pioneering status in your respective field
  • Networking opportunities with industry leaders
  • Influence the partnership and the future development
  • Access to Trace Academy* and Trace Dilemma**
  • Early access to state-of-the-art knowledge
  • Impact future regulation
  • Participation in the annual stakeholders' meeting. 

Annual membership fee: 10.000 DKK per organization regardless of size.

*Trace Academy: A platform for continuous learning and skill enhancement. 

**Trace Dilemma: A resource hub for addressing industry challenges and dilemmas.

Our Members:

Aalborg University

Aarhus University

Alexandra Institute



Copenhagen Business School

Danfoss Drives

Danish Technological Institute

Design School Kolding

FORCE Technology

Ganni A/S


Lego System A/S

Lifestyle & Design Cluster

Marius Pedersen

Novo Nordisk Denmark A/S

Roskilde University

Technical University of Denmark



The Royal Danish Academy

University of Copenhagen

University of Southern Denmark

VIA University College


Register your Organization

Please fill out the form below

The address should preferably be the main address of the organization. It is possible to later assign more than one address to the membership.

Daily Contact Person

The contact person is the primary contact that we will contact on a daily basis. It is possible to later assign more than one contact person to the membership.

About your Organization

Annual membership fee: 10.000 DKK per organization regardless of size.

Used on Trace’s website for profiling of membership
By signing up, I accept that my data will be used in connection with activities, projects or collaborations related to Denmark's environmental cluster and I will automatically be signed up for information from Trace. In addition, data is used to document activities towards supporters, which in some cases require documentation to be stored for many years to come. Trace only uses encrypted online IT systems to store contact and personal data and all systems are controlled with access control, including the Podio system. The legal basis for Trace’s collection/storage/processing of personal data is Article 6(1)(b) and (f) of the General Data Protection Regulation – read more at