Circularity of Industrial Thermoplastic for high quality recycling
The vision is to enable companies to use recycled plastics in their products to the highest possible value application, preferably in their own products. If this is not possible, the composition of the companies will enable the flow of material from one company using e.g., medical grade plastic to another company using e.g., cosmetic grade plastic. Thus, demonstrating ecosystems for plastic recycling at the highest possible level. Solutions for improved recycling are necessary and can only be obtained by close collaboration across industrial sectors and the entire value chain.
To obtain a circular plastic economy for industrial thermoplastic several challenges of both technical and social character must be overcome; recycled material must be upgraded, and the quality hereof ensured, separation of material and post-process critical contaminants improved, the effect of multi-cycle recycling must be investigated, the environmental and economic benefits of specific solutions determined, and user behavior analysis to develop effective incentive systems must be carried out.
Participating Partners: University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, Aalborg University, Nopa Nordic, Trebo ApS, Danfoss Drives, Matas, Novo Nordisk Denmark A/S, Danish Technological Institute, Technical University of Denmark,
Project Leader

Line Rold Tousgaard
Mail: lrto@teknologisk.dk
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